Saturday, March 14, 2009

Good Friday.

I don't believe in coincidences because everything happens for a reason.

Today I got The Secret in the mail from Netflix and as soon as I got the chance, I put that sucker on rotation. Of course, by now everyone is up on the inner workings of 'the secret' and how it functions. The whole "thought frequency" concept and the law of attraction are constantly reiterated throughout the documentary... and one of the examples they use is how you can suddenly have an encounter with an individual you were thinking about simply by focusing on that person. Not surprisingly, I have managed to attract quite a number of people into my life including people whom I have always wanted to meet based on their artistry. [Jennifer Hudson, Robin Thicke, Stacey McKenzie, Danica Lo, and many other inspiration muses.]

Ever gone through a particular circumstance where you just wish you had a chance to try again? Whether it be a conversation you wanted to attempt again or an entire day you wish you could just erase and start all over, I think we've all been there...
especially when it comes to dealing with someone who you secretly or not-so-secretly admire.

After a restless Friday afternoon, I suddenly caught the urge to go out and at the very last minute, I threw on my little black dress.
[a girl's best friend]
And in the course of the evening, I found myself saying, "I was just thinking about you."

Let's just say I had a good Friday.
a very good Friday. lol

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